52 Year old male iron deficiency

52 Year old male came to Casuality with chief complaints of Fever since 1week associated with Generalised Weakness and Decreased appetite and Vomitings Following food Intake.
History of wt loss  of 5kg in Last 5 months.
History of Back Pain since 1 month.
No H/o DM, Htn,Asthma,Epilepsy.
Past History
Not A K/C/O DM,HTN,Asthma,Epilepsy.
No Allergies 
No Past Surgical History
Personal History 
Diet -Mixed
Appeteite- Decreased 
Bowel And Bladder Movements Regular
Addictions Absent

Family History
No Significant Family History.

Bp 120/90
RR 15cpm
GRBS 112 mg/dl
General Examination
Pallor -Present
Icterus - Absent
Clubbing - Absent
Koilonychia - Spoon Shaped Fingers
Lymphadenopathy -Left Supra clavicular           Lymphnode Enlarged
Systemic Examination
S1 S2 Heard 
BAE Present
Soft ,Non Tender.
Provisional Diagnosis :
Anaemia Under Evaluation

Left Supraclavicular Lymphnode 
Chest xray
ecg abnormal seen29-10-2022
Inj Iron Sucrose100mg in 100 ml NS Iv BD
Inj Zofer 4m IV TID
Tab Baclofen 10mg BD
Inj Metoclopromide 10 mg Po 


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