Patient a 28 year old complains of involuntary movement of upper and lower limbs

History of present illness

Patient has a history of seizure on


   3  episodes around 3 am,7am,11am

   Each episode lasting for 3-5 min

Seizure association with

Up rolling of eye ball

Brothing from the mouth

History of fever,weak back association with chills

Patient has no history of decreased urine output

Patient has no history of pedal edema

Patient urine has ,heamaturia, frothy urine

History of shortness of breath from 10  days

             grade two- three

History of past illness

Patient is a known case of CKD who's on maintenance dailysis discontinued from 19/10/2021

Patient is a known case of hypertension


Hypertension present -.

Asthma absent

Tuberculosis absent

 No . exposure to radiation

Personal history

Occupation works in cloth store 




Regular bowel and bladder

No allergy known 

Alcohol usage occasional

Tobacco usage no

No addictions

 Family history

No relevant family history

Physical examination

Weight 61kg

 Height 5.6

Pallor present

No cyanosis

No lymphadenopathy

No malnutrition

Dehydration mild

Temperature 98.6 c

Pulse rate 88/min

Respiration rate 14/min

Bp 160/100mm hg

Spo2 98%

Grbs 130mg%

Systemic examination


No thrills

No cardiac murmurs

Cardiac sounds s1,s2 heard

Respiratory system

Position of trachea central

Dyspnea present

No wheeze


No abdominal tenderness

No palpable mass seen

No free fliud

Liver not palpable

Spleen not palpable


Patient is conscious

Speech normal



Fluid restriction 2 litres/ day

Salt restriction 2grams/day

Tab lasine 40 mg Bd

Tab nicardia 10 mg bd

Tab orofer bd


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